Water for Net Zero

Attendees will walk away with increased awareness of water’s role in net zero commitments across other sectors such as energy, agriculture, and more.


Attendees to our session should walk away with the following:  

  1. Awareness of water’s role in net zero commitments across other sectors such as energy, agriculture, etc 
  2. An understanding of the importance for the water sector to commit to decarbonization 
  3. A better understanding of how water and wastewater utilities can meaningfully lead the global decarbonization movement  

Primary targets

  1. Grow the number of water/wastewater utilities committed to Race to Zero 
  2. Reduce the siloed efforts across the water sector by launching a coalition addressing water’s net zero commitments 
  3. Bring representatives from other sectors to our programming for a deeper understanding of water-related considerations as they make their own net zero goals  


Events with this Theme

December 9, 2023 | Water for Net Zero

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