Watering the NDCs & NAPs

One of the goals of TD1 is to achieve better recognition of  freshwater ecosystems’ role in enabling people and nature to adapt to ongoing climate change. Investments in climate adaptation should support natural freshwater infrastructure solutions, e.g., connected and healthy floodplains, riparian areas, recharge zones, and other wetlands, and their role in mitigating the impacts of increased floods and droughts. 


  • Explicit a range of possible ways to “water” National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), NDCs and other plans, not only by including water. How can agricultural water be better included in plans and climate negotiations as both mitigation and adaptation opportunity? 
  • Increase the inclusion of WASH aspects into the NDCs and NAPs, as it is essential for more effective climate policies while at the same time acknowledging the human face to climate change and protecting the basic rights and needs of populations suffering its consequences. Provide tangible interlinkages between climate action and SDG6 achievement. 

 To reach further with the objectives we intend to demonstrate evidence and practice of the status of different water aspects integration into NDCs and NAPs based on our work as well as showcasing research to leverage action. We will bring different kinds of stakeholder to the discussion to address the challenges we face and together identify ways forward, including cross-sectoral aspects.


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December 3, 2023 | Watering the NDCs & NAPs

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