Watering the NDCs & NAPs

This is the “last” COP to make a solid case for water’s importance to the strategy and implementation of the next generation of NDCs ahead of their submissions in Feb 2025. This Thematic Day, maybe more than others, will be relevant to attract and engage Parties. The Day should address barriers for smaller, least developed countries in human/technical resources, as well as financial resources. Look at other instruments along with the NDCs and NAPs, and promote coherence (process, financing, etc) across these.

  • The next generation of NDCs (NDC 3.0) are due for submission in February 2025. COP29 can make a solid case for including water in NDCs to advance national mitigation and adaptation objectives.
  • This thematic day, perhaps more than others, will attract Parties and encourage their engagement at the Pavilion
  • Important to encourage coherence across policy instruments and commitments, including NDCs, NAPs, and national strategies.
  • The first round of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) are due in December 2024 – under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework, BTRs include information on national inventory reports (NIR), progress towards NDCs, policies and measures, climate change impacts and adaptation, levels of financial, technology development and transfer and capacity-building support, capacity-building needs and areas of improvement. This includes the financial requirements for implementing national commitments. 


Water in climate policies and instruments: Creating coherence and synergy in climate action for water

Why we need to water the NDCs and NAPs

  • Water is a connecting element across the Rio-Trio conventions brining the processes closer together and multiplying benefits and collective efforts to achieve global goals
  • Elevating water, including access to water and sanitation in climate planning is essential to enhancing cross benefits across, food, biodiversity and ecosystems strengthening national efforts in climate action and enhancing synergies.

Events with this Theme

November 14, 2024 | Watering the NDCs & NAPs

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