Food, Agriculture & Water

The Water for Climate Pavilion will highlight and focus on how we can work better together and across sectors, bringing together Water and Food stakeholders of different backgrounds. The programme on 10 December will provide the framework to discuss the complexity of the water and food system that addresses the importance of considering the needs and well-being of future generations, in strategic, long-term decision making, impacting their lives most of all.

Key messages

Water & Food are intrinsically linked and should be approached as such:

  • A systems approach can help to navigate the complexity of long-term decision making and designing interventions. Therefore, we need to lay out the framework of systems thinking for water & food and transformational change.
  • Solutions and decisions can extend several generations, but education also needs to be adjusted in response to the long-term strategies.
  • To make a transformational change, we need to take joint action together: across sectors, across activities, across generations. We need to specify the interrelation between the water-food sectors, and lack of current interconnectedness.

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Events with this Theme

December 10, 2023 | Food, Agriculture & Water

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