BlogWatering the NDCs and NAPs

NDCs and NAPs: our work to make WASH a cornerstone of climate change adaptation

Conversations around climate change are often awash with acronyms. In this blog, we explain two key acronyms – NDCs and NAPs – and discuss why water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) must be incorporated into these plans for communities to effectively adapt to climate change.

At COP28, NDCs and NAPS will be considered as part of the first Global Stocktake, where UN members and other stakeholders will consider to what extent the global community is making progress towards the Paris Agreement, and what needs to be done to stay on track. Written by Lucy Graham, Helio Guiliche, Adnan Ibne Abdul Qader and Hantaniaina Rabesandratana from Water Aid.


NDCs and NAPs: our work to make WASH a cornerstone of climate change adaptation




Nov 17, 2023

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