High-Level PanelPeace, Security, and Health

Closing session: Water for Peace, Security and Health

The panel organized by UNICEF, WHO, UNECE, the Foreign Ministry of Slovenia and EcoPeace  will provide recommendations on how transboundary cooperation and climate resilient WASH services will help to build peace and security under changing climate.


December 6, 17:00 - 18:00


  • Ms. Tatiana Molcean, Executive Secretary General, UNECE
  • Ms. Kerstin Stendahl, Special Envoy for Climate Change, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland
  • Mr. Jasim Al-Falahi, Deputy Minister of Environment for Technical Affairs, Iraq
  • Mr. Jakob Granit, Director General, SIDA
  • Mr. Saroj Kumar, World Bank (on-line)
  • Ms. Maria Neira, Director of Climate and Environment, WHO